What I'm Doing

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So, on the heels of our engagement, Kristen and I now have another announcement: Sunday morning, we were received by Holy Chrismation into the Orthodox Church. I would have posted this earlier, but I was waiting until I had told my parents; I didn't want them finding out by reading it on our parish's website again. That was how they discovered that we had become catechumen, and it didn't go over well.

They are genuinely concerned for me and Kristen, and I understand why. Please pray for them, whether you think Kristen and I are right or wrong in joining the Orthodox Church.

1 comment:

ultrarider said...

I am comvinced that God looks only at the heart, not the name of your Christian church. Being raised a Catholic and now an evengelical, your church choosing would not be for me, but God does not see denominations. I'm convinced of that. Just stay true to the Word of God, and trust the saving grace of Jesus.
Have a great marriage.