What I'm Doing

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How Addicted to Coffee Are You?

Well, at least I'm not as addicted as Qohelet.

Interesting coincidence; I come into work this morning and we're out of coffee beans. There's still the grinds from yesterday (where I had to mix the remnants of two blends together to get enough coffee) and the brewed coffee from yesterday in the cofeemaker. So, I add some water to the coffee, pour in back into the "input" and brew it again. It tasted nasty, but it had to do until my coworker got back from the store with more coffee.


JimG said...

Wow, that does sound nasty. Right now I'm downing a Trader Joe's Energy Drink. It's too hot for coffee and I need more than just the caffeine to get the job done today.

CoffeeZombie said...

Maybe I need to get an energy drink. I don't even remember how many cups of coffee I've had today, and I'm still useless.

JimG said...

I recommend the Trader Joe's (they're only a buck) or the Monster Kaos (tasty and have at least some fruit juice). I think that if I keep up my current trend, I'll have to thank Trader Joe's in the preface of my dissertation...