What I'm Doing

Saturday, September 24, 2005

New Location

As I mentioned on my blog at Xanga, I've been considering finding a new place to host my blog. As I said, Xanga is alright, but there are some things—one of the big ones being control over the layout—that bugged me. So, I am, for now, moving my blog here onto Blogger, to see how it is.

I'm also considering changing the name. I would like to keep the "Echoing Across the Binary C" part, but I'm not sure about keeping "cin >> cout;". One friend has suggested "printf(scanf());". So, if anyone decides to read this, tell me what you think of either of these titles, or suggest another one.


CoffeeZombie said...

Testing Comments

Berkana said...

As long as you're on Blogger, be sure to take a peek at my Blogger/Blogspot blog (actually, only a subset of my blogging activity, namely, my food related musings), Dietary Diaries.

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed....

Anonymous said...

Spoon - nice page - i like the typeography and layout... you need a name with a little more mystery and maybe some cool characters like smileys and spades and clubs...just kidding...

ya...i'm still sticking with the infinite loop idea...

Anonymous said...

whatsup cfc. i think you'll be happier with blogger. good choice. word.