Actually, if you click on the "See here" link, you'll find that it's a website where you can enter your own text to appear on the chalkboard. It takes a little work, though, since it simply places the text on top of the photo, so you have to "type around" his hand.
Perhaps I'll post some old playing-around I did with Photoshop later this week. I really only know one trick so far, though (which you'll see if I post it). Also, btw, when I do my own stuff like that, I don't use Photoshop (can't afford it); I use the Gimp (free, open-source).
I typically spend my days sitting in an office and writing software. Outside of work, my geekiness finds many outlets, including more computer "work," reading, playing the piano, and watching Japanese anime. I grew up a Southern Baptist, Evangelical Christian, and was received into the Eastern Orthodox Church on May 20, 2007. Also, as of January 20, 2008, I'm married to a wonderful girl named Kristen.
somebody had fun with photoshop. i wonder how einstein would respond if he actually saw this...i wonder if he would laugh.
Actually, if you click on the "See here" link, you'll find that it's a website where you can enter your own text to appear on the chalkboard. It takes a little work, though, since it simply places the text on top of the photo, so you have to "type around" his hand.
Perhaps I'll post some old playing-around I did with Photoshop later this week. I really only know one trick so far, though (which you'll see if I post it). Also, btw, when I do my own stuff like that, I don't use Photoshop (can't afford it); I use the Gimp (free, open-source).
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